Implementation of Sister City cooperation on the other hand, it is undeniable that the reality shows the benefits of Sister City cooperation have not fully touched all levels of society in Semarang City. Efforts to improve economic fundamentals within the framework of developing the regional economy is to develop a government network which is part of the formation of capacity building to realize good governance that leads to mutual benefits. The fact that regions must have various limitations to carry out various developments, and urban planning is a substantial reason for the possibility of self-learning processes and collaboration with other parties, which allows regions to have the freedom to learn from each other and share experiences (action and learning by doing), one of which is is to develop the Sister City model with cities in other countries, so that there will be an exchange of experiences from other places, through a planned network. The Sister City collaboration, is very helpful in the fast learning process in the regions, creating a linkage of wider interests (broad base).
Handling Sister City collaboration problems requires government policies that are more comprehensive and cross-sectoral. Sister City collaboration development cannot stand alone because it is a collective product. so that maximum benefits can only be achieved if the growth of Sister City is in line with the maintenance and development efforts of other sectors. The development of Sister City must also consider the carrying capacity of the city because the development of Sister City cooperation will have a broad impact, not only increasing the role of Sister City economically, but also becoming a multiplier effect for the development of other sectors. The government needs to give greater attention to the phenomenon of Sister City collaboration relations in Indonesia, both through provisions of laws that can create a conducive atmosphere as well as through guidance and encouragement so that Sister City collaboration activities are useful in an effort to accelerate the development of cities and regions in Indonesia.
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